We believe that the church is the gathering of committed believers to regularly study God's Word and intentionally push one another towards holiness. With that as our goal, we not only regularly meet as a full congregation but also have specific ministries aimed at building up the families of our church by targeting the men, women, and children of our community.
Section Title
Adult Sunday School:
A class of mixed adults (college age and above) that meets Sundays @9:30am in Pfleger Hall.
Dispensationalism: This class will expose you to the systematic thinking of dispensation. This doctrine has been at the center of controversy for the past 10 years. DBC has held to a form of dispensational theology from its inception. This doctrine has dangers and extremes that we must be aware of, but it helps explain difficult portions of scripture.
What is it? How does it affect you and what makes it so important? And why is it a doctrine so hated today? Is it a doctrine to separate ourselves over? These are some of the questions this class will answer.
Wednesday Night:
Men's Class - Study of 1st Peter RM#200
Ladies Class - When People Are Big and God Is Small - Edward T. Welch RM#201
General Class - Study of Titus RM#202
Keen Agers:
Age 55+, monthly activities and fellowships.
Small Groups:
Ladies Titus Twosday's: Ladies Study Group that meets every other Tuesday at Joanna Laws Home.
Tuesday Morning — Book Study @ Panera Bread (1410 N Eisenhower Dr) w/ Pastor Carl
Wednesday Night — The Study of 1st Peter in Room#200
Wednesday Night: The Study of Titus in Room#203
Tuesday Senior Men's Luncheon— (Second Tuesday of the month) w/ Pastor Carl @ Tudor's in Daniels (1325 Ritter Dr, Daniels)
Saturday Men's Breakfast and Book Study (Sound Doctrine) w/ Wally Pollack in Pfleger Hall
Men's Special Activity Group: The Dudes on The Deck meet and enjoy fellowship several times a year. The favorite is The Chili Cook Off IN October we Gather for football and (men prepared only) Chili Buffet. The winner of The Chili Cook Off is awarded the GOLDEN LADEL trophy for 1 year.
For more information on dates and times please contact the church. 304)252-0950
Wednesday Night — Video series by Susan J. Heck / With the Master: A ladies Study on Titus
Titus TWOSday's : Ladies group study and Taco Tuesday every other week, @ Joanna Laws.
Regular activities led by the Women's Ministry Committee (by announcement)
For more information on dates and times please contact the church. 304)252-0950
Our weekly College Ministry has recently merged with Sola Gratia Student Fellowship.
Sola Gratia Student Fellowship exists to glorify God to the campus of WV Tech.
This ministry meets each Sunday night @7pm through the college semester and is led by Elder Richard Bowers.
Please contact either Richard or Julia McClanahan for more information or questions.
Along with regular teen activities, we offer Sunday school and Wednesday night gatherings specialized to reach the youth in our church and area.
Regular activities led by the Youth Group will be posted by announcement.
For more information on dates and times please contact the church.
Nursery care available during all service times.
Our Children's Sunday School curriculum is a series by Grace Community Church, California. Generations of Grace.
Wednesday Evening group: Truth Seekers -
Latest NEWS & Upcoming EVENTS
Sunday morning livestream:
Now available on our DBC Church App.
Also On Facebook
Ministry opportunities:
Available for College Students, Highschoolers
Contact: Pastor Carl for information.
Eldership Training:
Class is 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Class is in Room#201 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.